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RNS:: WeekUp Alarm Clock user's manual

Main screenRNS:: logo

The main screen of RNS:: WeekUp consists of two similar parts (columns):

  • the Weekly part
  • the This Week part

Both parts consist of alarm activation checkboxes and alarm time selectors for each day of week.

Setting an alarm in the Weekly part schedules it to repeat weekly on given days of week. For example if you normally wake up at 7 o'clock on Mondays, set the Weekly alarm for Monday to 7:00 am.

This weekly routine may be changed for a single next given day of week by adjusting the This Week part. For example if you normally wake up at 7 o'clock on Mondays, but this Monday you can sleep till 8 o'clock, set the This Week alarm for Monday to 8:00 am.

The This Week alarm setting for a given day of week will automatically be restored to the Weekly setting after the This Week alarm is triggered.

You may deactivate all alarms at any time simply by tapping the Deactivate command in the menu bar.

Further help

All windows in this software have individual help articles. Tap Start > Help over any window to display them.

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Alarm Sound screenRNS:: logo

In this screen you may customize sound effects for WeekUp alarms.

The list box presents all *.wav files found in typical system folders. You may use any of these audio files as your alarm sound.

Normally, after tapping OK, the selected sound file is copied to WeekUp's local folder. This ensures that the file can still serve as your alarm even if removed from its original location. On the other hand, the Link to the file option disables this feature, and the sound is always played from its original location. This saves your device's memory if your sound files are large.

The menu bar consists of two additional options:

  • Default - selects the default WeekUp's sound as your alarm.
  • Browse... - lets you select from a broader range of sound files found on your device and storage card.
Alarm Options screenRNS:: logo

In this screen you may customize the behavior of WeekUp alarms.

The Repeat option sets the number of repetitions of alarm sound.

The Repeat every option sets the delay between these repetitions.

The Snooze for option sets the default delay between snoozing an alarm and its next appearance.

Check the Allow snooze adjustment option to change the simple Snooze menu bar button in the alarm's notification screen into a pop up list of snooze delay options.

Check the Use vibration alarm option to also use vibration notifications whenever the alarm sounds are played.

Check the Turn off flight mode option to automatically connect your device with the wireless network when the alarm sounds.

Set Alarm For All Days screenRNS:: logo

In this screen you may quickly assign the same time to alarms for all days.

FULL and LITE version informationRNS:: logo

The LITE version misses the following valuable features:

  • One-touch deactivation
  • Custom alarm sounds
  • One-day deactivation
  • One-day alarm modification

Please register the FULL version!

See alsoRNS:: logo
User's ManualDownload the complete User's Manual as a PDF document.

Visit WeekUp Alarm Clock's home site to learn more about the software.

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