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Featured software: HoHoRNS:: logo
RNS:: HoHo is a music creator, editor, player & converter that works with:
  • ringtones for mobile phones (e.g. Nokia, Motorola, Alcatel)
  • ringtones for Palm OS smartphones (e.g. Treo devices)
  • alarm sounds for all Palm OS devices (e.g. for DateBook or Calendar)
No more boring ringtones or alarm sounds!
  • create your own!
  • convert from other formats!
Popular softwareRNS:: logo
Save and load web pages from the SD card with your favorite web browser.
Displays the complete crash log of your Treo smartphone.
ApplicationsRNS:: logo
Former shareware (now freeware):
Cuckoo ClockCuckoo Clock - Your mobile device will cuckoo out loud every hour - like an old wall clock!Download Cuckoo Clock
English TesterEnglish Tester - Prepare for examinations using the ultimate English language Tester.Download English Tester
HoHoHoHo - Mobile phone ringtones and MIDI files creator, editor, player and converter.Download HoHo
Memory ScannerMemory Scanner - Find everything anywhere in the memory of your mobile device!Download Memory Scanner
Rapid MovieRapid Movie - Sequential shooting camera and time-lapse video recorder.Download Rapid Movie
WeekUp Alarm ClockWeekUp Alarm Clock - Have a weekly schedule? Set alarms once - always wake up on time!Download WeekUp Alarm Clock
WiFiTalkieWiFiTalkie - Turn your Palm device into a Walkie-Talkie!Download WiFiTalkie

ClickClick Alarm - The simplest way to install polyphonic alarm sounds to your PDA!Download ClickClick Alarm
IRRcalc - Calculate the internal rate of return (IRR) for your investments.Download IRRcalc
Student - School timetable planner for all students.Download Student
tumemos - Edit two memos at once!Download tumemos
UtilitiesRNS:: logo
Former shareware (now freeware):
Big ClipboardBig Clipboard - Alternative clipboard with unlimited size and simplified access.Download Big Clipboard
ButterflyButterfly - Much more then color themes - customize every color in the system color theme!Download Butterfly
HBXHBX - Launch over 16 applications with only 4 hard buttons of your Palm device.Download HBX
Hi-LauncherHi-Launcher - Windows-like Start Menu for Palm OS! Switch between applications immediately!Download Hi-Launcher
HTML ViewerHTML Viewer - Hypertext Markup Language (HTML, XML) viewer with syntax coloring.Download HTML Viewer
Let's BeamLet's Beam - Toggle beam protection of any database. Beam and send protected databases.Download Let's Beam
Memo2CardMemo2Card - Add-on for the Memos program: load and save memos on your SD card.Download Memo2Card
Sub-LauncherSub-Launcher - Launch any application on top of the current application!Download Sub-Launcher
Time LoggerTime Logger - Time Logger counts how much time you spend in each application on your PDA.Download Time Logger
Toolbar+Toolbar+ - Add new icons to the default command bar!Download Toolbar+

Butterfly Themes - Load color themes for the system or for each application separately.Download Butterfly Themes
Soft Reset - Can a soft reset be customized?Download Soft Reset
SSX - Does your Palm device sound boring?Download SSX
GPS SoftwareRNS:: logo
Former shareware (now freeware):
Calorie GPSCalorie GPS - Track your caloric consumption during your everyday activities or sports!Download Calorie GPS
Speedometer GPSSpeedometer GPS - Auxiliary speedometer and odometer for your car with GPS satellite precision.Download Speedometer GPS

NMEA Logger - Writes raw NMEA data from a GPS receiver directly to a file on a memory card.Download NMEA Logger
Path2KML - Log your path with a GPS receiver and then view it in Google Earth.Download Path2KML
Only for Treo and Centro smartphonesRNS:: logo
Former shareware (now freeware):
TopAreaCodesTopAreaCodes - See your caller's city/state name and area map when your phone rings.Download TopAreaCodes
TopCallLogToolTopCallLogTool - The set of tools performing call log operations that Treo phones are missing.Download TopCallLogTool
TopCameraTimerTopCameraTimer - Self timer for the built-in Camera application on your Treo smartphone.Download TopCameraTimer
TopCommandBarTopCommandBar - Rediscover command bar - the feature that is missing on Treo phones!Download TopCommandBar
TopCrashLogTopCrashLog - Displays the complete crash log of your Treo smartphone.Download TopCrashLog
TopGuardExTopGuardEx - Extend and customize the functionality of the Keyguard on your Treo phone.Download TopGuardEx
TopNewRingtonesTopNewRingtones - The simplest way to install MP3 ringtones from your SD card!Download TopNewRingtones
TopOfflineViewerTopOfflineViewer - Save and load web pages from the SD card with your favorite web browser.Download TopOfflineViewer
TopRingtoneInstallerTopRingtoneInstaller - The simplest way to install MP3 ringtones from your desktop computer!Download TopRingtoneInstaller
TopSelecTextTopSelecText - Highlight text with the 5-Way Navigator. Dial numbers by pressing Shift+Center.Download TopSelecText
TopShortCutsTopShortCuts - Rediscover shortcuts - the feature that is missing on Treo phones!Download TopShortCuts
TopSignalOnKeyguardTopSignalOnKeyguard - Phone range/signal and battery level indicator on the Keyguard.Download TopSignalOnKeyguard
TopVCardReceiverTopVCardReceiver - Save vCard objects received via SMS directly to your Contacts.Download TopVCardReceiver

TopHomeFix Hack - Restores the Home button functionality on Treo 680 and 700p phones.Download TopHomeFix Hack
TopNaviText - Quickly move the blinking cursor around text fields with the 5-Way Navigator.Download TopNaviText
Only for CliéRNS:: logo
Clié AudioPlayer Stylus Volume and Position Hack - Enhance the built in AudioPlayer software!Download Clié AudioPlayer Stylus Volume and Position Hack
Clié Date on Status - Tap the clock part of the Clié status bar to see the current date.Download Clié Date on Status
Clié Jog MP3 Playback Hack - Control the background MP3 playback without switching windows.Download Clié Jog MP3 Playback Hack
HacksRNS:: logo
Alert Hack - Sets intuitive colors to system alert windows depending on their type.Download Alert Hack
Smooth Scroll Hack - Enables a visual effect of smooth scrolling for list and text field windows.Download Smooth Scroll Hack
TapMap - Creates a statistical map showing where you have been tapping.Download TapMap
Tips Hack - Adds a scrollbar and a menu to "Tips" windows in all programs.Download Tips Hack
GamesRNS:: logo
Former shareware (now freeware):
Beer CollectorBeer Collector - Test your reflex with RNS:: Beer Collector! It's a game you cannot win.Download Beer Collector

Bombel - Bored? Stressed? Vexed? Pop some bubble wrap "bombels"!Download Bombel
Curling - Use your stylus as a broom!Download Curling
Hanoi Towers - Test your mind with RNS:: Hanoi Towers!Download Hanoi Towers
OtherRNS:: logo
Former shareware (now freeware):
Bronze Themes Set for ButterflyBronze Themes Set for Butterfly - Set of 20 favourite color themes by Cat-ya.
Gold Themes Set for ButterflyGold Themes Set for Butterfly - Set of 20 favourite color themes by Cat-ya.
Platinum Themes Set for ButterflyPlatinum Themes Set for Butterfly - Set of 20 favourite color themes by Cat-ya.
Silver Themes Set for ButterflySilver Themes Set for Butterfly - Set of 20 favourite color themes by Cat-ya.

Mider for HoHo - Easily add MIDI files to your PDA. Also get them back to your PC.Download Mider for HoHo
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