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RNS:: Sub-Launcher

Software author: Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::)
Target platform: Palm OS

RSS channel - RNS:: Sub-Launcher Overview of Sub-Launcher 1.0RNS:: logo
RNS:: Sub-Launcher - icon Sub-Launcher:
Launch any application on top of the current application!

Quick links:
Downlaod RNS:: Sub-LauncherDownload
Version history for RNS:: Sub-LauncherVersion history

Sub-Launcher uses Accessorizer which is a beta application at the moment.
RNS:: Sub-Launcher - software screenshot
Here's how Sub-Launcher worksRNS:: logo
  1. Set up the trigger that you will use to sublaunch applications.
  2. At any time, anywhere you are, press the trigger.
  3. Your favourite launcher will launch over the running application.
  4. Launch another application - the previous application will still run in background!
  5. Press home or the trigger again to return to that applicaiton.
Typical usage scenarioRNS:: logo
RNS:: Sub-Launcher - usage scenario
  1. While using a web browser you need to use calculator.
  2. Press the Sub-Launcher's trigger to switch to your favourite launcher.
  3. Launch calculator as usually, and do your calculations.
  4. Return to web browser whose state remains totally unchanged!

Without Sub-Launcher you had to quit web browser, switch to calculator, and then launch web browser again. This caused web pages to load again, or worse: same data submitted twice to the server.

With Sub-Launcher you can use your favourite launcher to sub-launch any application - the web browser & calculator combination is just an example here.

Try alsoRNS:: logo
RNS:: Hi-LauncherHi-Launcher - Windows-like Start Menu for Palm OS! Switch between applications immediately!
Sub-Launcher user's resourcesRNS:: logo
Forum threadsForum - read comments about Sub-Launcher and post your own messages.
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