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How to transfer ringtone to nokia 3360RNS:: logo
Juan wrote: April 9th, 2003
I created several ringtones that i want to beam to my cell phone, how do I do it?

Criggie wrote: April 15th, 2003
The short answer - I dunno.

I've had some luck saving Hoho stuff to a memopad folder called RingRing and then using RingRingLite to send to the phone.... however RRL uses some other mutation of RTTTL that Hoho doesn't speak.

I have a M100 and a nokia 6310 (need a palm with Bluetooth next :)

Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: April 16th, 2003
Indeed, you cannot beam ringtones to cell phones using HoHo.

As far as RTTTL communication between HoHo and RingRing is concerned - adding the RTTTL header to the HoHo-generated RTTTL format ringtone is the solution.
You can take such header from other RTTTL ringtones, or simply add the following at the beginning:
name:d=4, o=5, b=160:
You can of course modify the values, see here for the RTTTL format details.

ghost wrote: February 27th, 2004
i have the best way,
1. open msn messenger and add yourself to your contact list
2. go to tools and edit my mobile settings
3. click tab make mobile settings and follow promts
4. go to www.cellringtones.com and copy rtttl format into convertor but do not send it to your phone but copy sckl format at top of screen into your msn mobile screen
5. send ringtone to your self

Ajoy Hom Roy wrote: February 14th, 2005
Please furnish RTTTL Text for Followings tunes-;
a) Do Re Me -Sung by Julie Andrews in The Sound Of Music
b) Raindrops Of Roses- do----

irishrebel69 wrote: November 22nd, 2005
i just got a nokia 6101 and it has ir. i want to beam midi files over to the phone via ir using palm zire 21. how do i do this? i do not have a text messaging or data plan so i need to do it with ir.

Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: November 22nd, 2005
Just select a MIDI file in HoHo's Midi Manager and tap the "Beam" button.

If a dialog appears, select "Beam" again.

This will send the MIDI file over the IrDA.

Abdulrasool Sumar wrote: August 4th, 2008
For my Motorola Razr, I plugged it to my computer via a USB cable and go to the Audio folder on the phone and copy and drag your ringtones on there, it's that simple! Doesn't Nokia have that kind of functionality? If they don't, they suck! I downloaded my ringtones for free off http://www.2downloadfreeringtones.com
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