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RNS:: HoHo forum thread

Creating ringtones from scratchRNS:: logo
Dunc wrote: November 14th, 2002
All of the sounds that I would want as ringtones exist as WAV files. But I have yet to find a utility to successfully convert WAVs to Midis. Is there a HOHO pluggin, or method, to accomplish this? Thanks,


Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: November 15th, 2002
HoHo can't convert WAV to MIDI and has no such plug-ins.

Converting wave music to MIDI music is hard in general. Lots of information must be distilled and even more is lost. MIDI format can store only instrumental music.

There are some desktop converters, but believe me - they don't produce expected results.

Nacho wrote: July 25th, 2003
I have a nokia 3650 and it has built in ringtone composer, i am looking for a site or sites that has listings of the necessary keys to program in for various popular songs i guess.

Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: July 25th, 2003
You may get the ringtones for Nokia, Ericsson, and Siemens from the main HoHo web page.

Later you may use HoHo to convert them to any other format.

Rollie Cold wrote: August 5th, 2003
please help...

can anyone please tell me what steps I must take to put ringtones on a website so that people can download them to their phone. or is it literally as simple as creating a midi file and posting that to my website? if it is just a midi file, where does the actual instrumental information come from, since midi information does not contain tone generators?

Steve L wrote: August 10th, 2003
Please note that unless you have permission of the copyright owner of the music, it is not legal for you to distribute MIDI translations of copyrighted songs. It does not matter if you wrote or translated the MIDI yourself - if the tune is from a copyrighted work, you may not legally perform it in public (such as play as a sound on a web page) or distribute copies (such as providing ringtones for download) without the appropriate permissions.

Now if it's a tune you composed yourself, then that's generally ok.


Nacho wrote: August 10th, 2003
listen Steve L, i am not in anyway attempting to distribute the translation of the ringtone, I know there are sites out there that have the necessary information needed and i was seeing if anyone knew of them thanx fo nuthin

Shin Taikoubou wrote: September 8th, 2003
"please help...

can anyone please tell me what steps I must take to put ringtones on a website so that people can download them to their phone. or is it literally as simple as creating a midi file and posting that to my website? if it is just a midi file, where does the actual instrumental information come from, since midi information does not contain tone generators?"

My question is the same thing... Hope someone can answer it...


DJ Booma wrote: January 3rd, 2004
Hello, i am a music producer and need to know more about the following:

What are the steps for creating and putting ringtones on my web site so people can then download them?

How do i convert my instrumentals into midi format for distributing over the web?

Are there any programs/software to do this?

Does anyone know how this whole concept works?!!

I would appreciate any help...


Tom Georges wrote: February 5th, 2004
Just use the following template:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE wml PUBLIC "-//WAPFORUM//DTD WML 1.1//EN" "http://www.wapforum.org/DTD/wml_1.1.xml">
<card title="My WAP site">
<p><a href="Wabash.mid">Wabash : Train song</a></p>
<p><a href="skylark.mid">Jazz : Skylark</a></p>
<p><a href="pics/smallpic.jpg">cool background</a></p>

Of course, substituting your midi files or graphics files. The wml doesn't seem to like the fancy tags like Bold, so keep it simple and you are good to go!


rane wrote: February 6th, 2004
All of the sounds that I would want as ringtones exist as WAV files. But I have yet to find a utility to successfully convert WAVs to Midis.

Can you Suggest Anything.

If i am plannning to create ringtones for the nokia phones, what formats does it use.

When i used the code as mentioned above and placed a midi file, it said link error.

Can you help me with this.


rit wrote: March 12th, 2004
i want to do a mini project on converting songs into ringtones.
i need some help - how to go about it if i want to do it in visualbasic/c/c++.
what software and other devices are needed?

ashwini wrote: August 9th, 2004
i want to do a mini project on creating ringtone composer. If u get any information about it then please give me reply.
Language prefer : java, c , c++

San wrote: November 10th, 2004
I want to create a mini project on creating ringtone composer. Please guideme if u anyone knows. Langauage prefer : Java/php

jvila wrote: November 15th, 2004
I do want to build a wap page that plays a sound when it loads, i dont mind the file format of the sound. how can i do it?

Sonu wrote: May 13th, 2008
I have made a website and i want to take copyrite of my data and other things what steps i have to take thankyou

Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: May 13th, 2008
How is this related to HoHo?
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