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RNS:: HoHo forum thread

Cannot launch HoHoRNS:: logo
Linda Ireland wrote: October 12th, 2005
Hi, I have a Treo 650, when I bought HoHo, I installed it using PalmOne Quick Install, by just copying all the HoHo prc and plug-in prc files to the quick install window. Then I did a hot synch. I DID choose to install them to my expansion card, not to the main Palm memory. However, I cannot find an icon to launch HoHo on the Palm. I tried using a utility to swap all the files from the SD card to the Palm memory, under Launcher (they were under Launcher on the SD card as well), they all appear to be there, but I don't get a launch icon. Is there some special install procedure I need to follow?


Linda Ireland wrote: October 12th, 2005
This is a follow up email, I figured out that somehow I had installed all the plug-ins, but NOT the HoHo Full prc. So I did it again. Now I can launch HoHo, but it tells me I have no plug-ins installed, when actually, I installed ALL of them. So I deleted all of them an reinstalled again, thinking that maybe HoHo full needed to be installed FIRST. But I still have the same error message, that there are no plug-ins installed. Is this because I installed it all to my expansion card?

Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: October 13th, 2005
Unfortunately, plug-ins must be installed in RAM. The main HoHo program file may be installed anywhere.

Linda Ireland wrote: October 13th, 2005
When I just moved them from my expansion card to the Palm card, it still wouldn't work, but when I deleted everything and reinstalled it all to the Palm, then it did work, all the plug-ins are there. Not sure what's up with that, but it's working, anyway!
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