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RNS:: HBX forum thread

Turn any hard button into Power on/off buttonRNS:: logo
Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: March 31st, 2008
Step-by-step instructions to turn any of the four hard buttons into a power switch:
  1. Launch HBX to see its setup screen.
  2. Tap the little "..." button for the button of your choice.
  3. Clear the "Enhanced Keyguard" checkbox, check the "Direct action" checkbox, and tap "Done".
  4. Tap on the first item in the button's list (it's actually the only item there).
  5. Select "Off" from the "Action" drop-down list.
If you wish the button just to turn off the device, and not turn it on, check the "Enhanced Keyguard" checkbox in step #3.
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