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RNS:: ClickClick Alarm

Software author: Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::)
Target platform: Palm OS

RSS channel - RNS:: ClickClick Alarm Overview of ClickClick Alarm 1.1RNS:: logo
RNS:: ClickClick Alarm - icon ClickClick Alarm:
The simplest way to install polyphonic alarm sounds to your PDA!

Quick links:
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Version history for RNS:: ClickClick AlarmVersion history
RNS:: ClickClick Alarm - software screenshot
As simple as it can be!RNS:: logo
ClickClick Alarm is a desktop application that can load any MIDI file from your PC and install it directly to your Palm device, making it available as an alarm sound. ClickClick Alarm is as simple as it can be. The following example shows 3 simple steps of installing a polyphonic alarm sound:

Step 1Step 1 Select

Step 2Step 2 Synchronize

Step 3Step 3 Apply
Features of ClickClick AlarmRNS:: logo

ClickClick Alarm offers automatic conversion from SMF1 to SMF0. SMF0 is the only MIDI subformat that Palm devices can play - no more silent or non-installable alarms in your PDA!

ClickClick Alarm can install MIDI files whose size is no greater than 64K to your Palm device. However in some rare occasions (depending on the MIDI file format) the Palm's MIDI codec may not be able to play it. ClickClick Alarm supports all Palm OS devices except for Treo smartphones.

For Treo and Centro smartphones?RNS:: logo
RNS:: TopRingtoneInstallerOn Treo and Centro smartphones please use TopRingtoneInstaller instead.
Thousands of ringtones!RNS:: logo
Finding free ringtones to feed ClickClick Alarm is also trivial!
We've prepared special Google search results for you:
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