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RNS:: Hi-Launcher user's manual

Quick start!RNS:: logo

At the stage of installation wizard, select one of these options:

  • Load a sample Menu
  • Mimic the original Start Menu

By doing this, you're up and running immediately after the installation. Simply tap the Start button to bring Hi-Launcher's Menu to the screen. Although this is not your own Menu, you can still edit it in the Design The Menu screen. You can also change the trigger that brings it to the screen using the Menu Trigger screen.

If you chose another installation option, you can still call the Load Special menu command available in the main screen to use these pre-loaded Menus.

Nevertheless, the best way to create the Menu that really meets your needs is to design it from the scratch. You can add to the Menu only those items that you really need and use most frequently - and no other distracting garbage! Follow these steps:

  1. Open the Design The Menu screen in Hi-Launcher Settings.
  2. Make sure the main list is empty, or use the Minus button to successively remove all items.
  3. Follow the steps in this help article: Adding new items to the Menu until you add desired items.
  4. Tap OK to save your Menu.
  5. Now open the Menu Trigger screen to select the method of bringing your Menu to the screen.
  6. After selecting and configuring the trigger, tap OK.
  7. And that's it! Use your trigger to pop up your Menu.
Related help topicsRNS:: logo

Design The Menu screen
Menu Trigger screen

See alsoRNS:: logo
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