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Problem with shift+centerRNS:: logo
masker wrote: February 26th, 2007
When 'when in shift mode' or 'when in caps lock mode' and hyperlink fucntion checked , after i highlighted a series of numbers or characters and then press center button, this software automatically dial the number or lookup the characters in contacts without letting me choose 'dial' or 'message' or 'cancel'

It works fine only in 'only when shift pressed' mode

plz fix this problem , thanks

Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: February 26th, 2007
I confirm there is such problem. I will fix this in the next version.

Masker wrote: February 27th, 2007
Thank you, I am looking forward to it

Michael L. wrote: May 22nd, 2007
I have a Treo 755p, and it has the same problem. I imagine it's the same issue as on the 680.

I sent a message to suport the other day to report this. What I see is that the menu that asks if you want to dial the number or send a message pops up, but it is getting bypassed immediately and the number is dialed - I don't get a chance to select "dial" or "message". It happens so quick you almost can't see the menu.

This happens when I have "when in shift mode" selected. I just tried again with "only when shift pressed" and the menu pops up and I can select Dial or Message now. So this is exactly as described with the 680.

I wouldn't be surprised if this happens with the other newer Treos as well. I hope you can fix it soon, but for now the work around is to use "only when shift pressed". Thanks.

Radoslaw Nowak (RNS::) wrote: June 5th, 2007
Fixed in version 4.3 released today :-)

Michael L. wrote: June 5th, 2007
Thanks for the fix. It all works as it should on my Treo 755p.

masker0817 wrote: June 6th, 2007
It works fine now. Thank you.
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